Summer Pizza with Handmade Mozzarella

A dear friend of ours recently paid us a visit, just long enough to share some wine and pizza.  Kelly loves good pizza but is careful about her diet so I made the pizza dough and made the mozzarella.  A few local tomatoes, some basil from our garden, a shave of Parmesan and a splash […]

Cabot Pimento Cheese & Chicken Soup

  I’m always taken aback when I cook at a friend’s house and I’m asked if I “mind cooking.”  I’ve actually known chefs that would answer “Yes.”  Seriously, if you don’t love it then why would you do it?  While spending a week at the beach with friends I’ve been doing a lot of cooking […]

A Blogging Award for

  My good friend Shaunda Wenger has awarded with the Versatile Blogger award.  This is an informal trophy that bloggers pass back and forth to let their followers know who they follow, admire and appreciate.  Shaunda is a gifted writer and author of nine books and her first book (which we have) the Book […]

Watermelon Mojito

I believe I read somewhere that watermelon is the most popular fruit in the world.  Embraced by all cultures, all ages and all nationalities, watermelons were first grown by the Egyptians almost 5,000 years ago.  And aren’t the early Egyptians the same guys that first brewed beer?  Genius. Once you cut into an average size watermelon, good […]

Handmade Doughnuts for Nat’l Doughnut Day

Friday June 1st is National Doughnut Day so why not celebrate this quirky event by making your own doughnuts from scratch?  It’s not that hard but you will have to stand over a half gallon of 325 degree oil.  If you can exercise a little caution with the oil and promise not to fry these […]

The Perfect Margarita

This is from our good friend and the neighbor I wish I had, Barbara Keibel.  Barbara has a great website, Creative Culinary and every Friday she whips up a classic cocktail and shares it with her neighbors in Denver, Colorado.  Later she’ll share it with her readers.  This past Friday she posted the perfect Margarita […]