Cream-filled Doughnuts

I was curious if an empanada style doughnut turnover would work, so I placed a bit of the cream on this one, folded it over

Jason asked me to make some banana cream filled doughnuts for a private party so I tried several different techniques.  I made a couple of batches of yeast risen doughnuts (recipe is in the back of my novel, Doughnuts for Amy) and also a cake doughnut recipe.  Cake doughnuts are leavened with baking powder and/or baking soda.  They’re fairly simple to make but they’re not what you would want to use for a filled doughnut.  The dough is too dense.  So I made a yeast doughnut batter and a banana cream filling.

1 quart half and half

2 cups sugar

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

1/4 cup spiced rum

8 egg yolks

pinch of salt

two bananas

1/2 cup of cornstarch


Bring to a boil the half and half with the salt, rum and sugar.  In a seperate bowl whisk the egg yolks and corn starch.  When the cream comes to a boil, add a few tablespoons of the cream to the egg and whisk, a few more (you’re slowly heating up the cream) and then add the remaining cream.  Return this to a boil, remove from heat then place in a bar blender, add the bananas, puree then strain through a fine mesh strainer.  Cool over an ice bath.


and crimped it with a fork, sort of looks like a mini calzone


They were good but not what we were looking for, plus several of them popped open in the fryer and this one looks a bit done, the fryer was sert at 350 and it should really be a bit lower, 325 or so, otherwise all the sugar in the dough will burn up.


Rolled and Cut


I made 55 yeast doughnuts, cut them out with a biscuit cutter, then proofed for about 60 minutes at room temperature, I wante to make sure the doughnut's interior was spongy enough to hold the banana cream


Then after these cooled off for a few minutes we piped the banana filling in
Warm doughnut, on top of a chocolate pot de creme


I like the way this one turned out


Daniel preferrred a strawberry mojito in lieu of a doughnut








3 Responses

  1. The problem with these Malik is you are clearly a genetic skinny runt and can eat these fattening foods without putting on any weight – STOP TORTURING US – although may try these with the grand kids

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