My Own Funeral

I went to my own funeral this past weekend. It was a somber affair, me slipping through this mortal world, quietly seeking out signs of my joyous former life. The mourners hugged me, questioned my whereabouts, wondered when we would see one another again and at the end of the day my memory was toasted […]

Tin Roof Farm is For Rent

Are you looking for a unique rental home in Greenville County, South Carolina? Our Tin Roof Farm in Piedmont, SC, a 15 minute drive from downtown Greenville, SC is available for rent. And we’ll rent it to you with, or without chickens. Our farm house, built in 1959, has been significantly renovated and features almost […]

The Restaurant Coach

“Chef Malik, we’d like to talk to you regarding our new restaurant in Sumter, SC, and coaching us through our reopening.” Sumter? Are they kidding? That was my first thought. A fried chicken house in Sumter wanted to waste thirty minutes of my time with inane questions about canned green beans or instant grits. “Hey […]

The Skeptics Have Landed

50 years ago, three American astronauts traveled to the moon, two of them landed on it, then all three returned safely to Earth. In the following years six other missions went to the moon, one failed to arrive (Apollo 13) while the other five had successful flights. 12 Americans have set foot on our moon […]

The Final Serving of Conch Salad

I love almost everything about South Carolina. Except for Frogmore Stew. There. I’ve said it. Overcooked shrimp, sausage from who knows where, undercooked red potatoes, and way too much Old Bay. That pretty much describes 90% of the Frogmore Stew I’ve ever had. And yet I’ve eaten a lot of Frogmore Stew and loved every […]

Merry Christmas Dad

Robert could’ve passed for an NFL linebacker. He stood six foot five and every inch of his frame was chiseled muscle and dark tattooed skin. On another day, his embrace, if not for the tears that ran down his cheek, might’ve felt life threatening. “Brother Malik, if only I had someone like you in my […]

Merry Christmas Dad

Robert could’ve passed for an NFL linebacker. He stood six foot five and every inch of his frame was chiseled muscle and dark tattooed skin. On another day, his embrace, if not for the tears that ran down his cheek, might’ve felt life threatening. “Brother Malik, if only I had someone like you in my […]

Ghosts of Parents

Quiet and cold from November’s chill This house now waits for warmth and voices to fill Its once boisterous halls where grandkids held court And aromas of bacon and coffee mingled with tales of youth and sports “It’s never easy” the agent said Packing, sorting, and selling the things once held precious by the dead […]

Umm…May I borrow your bathroom?

Hydration. That’s the buzz word amongst cyclists. “Are you staying hydrated in this heat?” Geez, am I ever. I’m putting away the water like an Egyptian camel at the beginning of tourist season. And not just on rides but constantly. We all know that our bodies are made up of 93% water (who else has […]