Adios, mi Amigo Owing a single independent restaurant is surely one of the planet’s toughest business models. If you’re good at it there’s a single digit profit percentage Share this:RedditTweetLike this:Like Loading...
When the Road was Dirt I’m afraid you’re dying Yes. I know. I’m too old, too heavy to lie here like this. I wish there was something I could do. Share this:RedditTweetLike this:Like Loading...
The Road to Jericho The leaves of Western North Carolina had just started to turn. My Ford hummed along Interstate 26 and its tires sang their steady note. Outside Share this:RedditTweetLike this:Like Loading...
Elephants, Robots, and Engineers If I asked you to name the techiest country on earth, the one that’s invented the best gadgets and created a variety of cool appliances, Share this:RedditTweetLike this:Like Loading...
Three Meals and One Babka in Boston I love babka, a proper handmade babka, and believe it is one of the most lovely bites of food on planet earth. Imagine something as Share this:RedditTweetLike this:Like Loading...
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Ah! a murder mystery, now we are talking