Umm…May I borrow your bathroom?

Hydration. That’s the buzz word amongst cyclists.

“Are you staying hydrated in this heat?”

Geez, am I ever. I’m putting away the water like an Egyptian camel at the beginning of tourist season. And not just on rides but constantly. We all know that our bodies are made up of 93% water (who else has never believed that?) but no matter the actual figure, water plays a critical part in many of our body’s functions. It keeps your muscles working properly, your brain functioning properly, lungs, kidneys, etc. So it’s critical to keep the right amount of water and the best way to do that is keep drinking. Last week I quit alcohol and I’m only having one cup of coffee. And I’m dieting. Sort of. Lots of fresh vegetables, fruit, lean meats, easy on the salt and fried foods. And lots of ice cream. ?

Since making my #SCRTR commitment less than 30 days ago, I’ve ridden almost 500 miles and lost 8 & 1/2 pounds. And I’ve probably stopped at every rest room between Simpsonville and Asheville.

The bathrooms at QT and Chick Fil A are always clean. For some reason the smaller, family run convenience stores still haven’t caught on to the idea of a clean bathroom.


The Ride to Remember is the largest fundraiser for the SC Alzheimer’s Association. It’s a 252 mile bike ride across South Carolina and we depart on Friday, July 15th. Like to come along? Click here and make a donation and I’ll even memorialize your loved one on my bib.




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