A dear friend of ours recently paid us a visit, just long enough to share some wine and pizza. Kelly loves good pizza but is careful about her diet so I made the pizza dough and made the mozzarella. A few local tomatoes, some basil from our garden, a shave of Parmesan and a splash of olive oil and we had a memorable evening. To make mozzarella all you need is a gallon of milk, some rennet tablets, a couple of lemons, a good thermometer and a Chinois fine and/or some cheesecloth. Oh, you’ll also need patience 😉 No problem, right? Rennet comes first, start at Whole Foods or your local co-op. Or you can go online and order rennet and other cheese making supplies from Leener’s. Enough talk, let’s make some cheese.

One Response
All right, now I have to make this too. Just made ricotta. Looks delicious.