EDIT: As of September, 2021, we have returned from Belize.
October 2020
We’re headed to Belize, a tiny country of 400,000 people in Central America. Because we were looking for an adventure and perhaps I can be of service to Belizians looking to become professional culinarians. How audacious of me, right?

When I was thinking about a big change, my wife was reading Bob Goff’s latest book, Dream Big. We absolutely love Bob Goff and his first book, Love Does, was a smashing success. Bob is all about sharing the love of God through Christian service and big goals. And through the years we have *tried* to live out those goals. Through service in our church, through interaction with our friends, through volunteering in prison as a Kairos minister, through our day to day interactions with friends, family, and strangers.
So while I was talking to a friend about moving to Belize, Amy was reading this book about making your big goals happen. And when I confided to her we should consider a one or two year move to Belize, Bob Goff had already planted that seed of dreaming big.
Care to read one of Bob’s books? Clickity
Here’s a few answers to some of your questions.
We are giving away half of our chickens. We are taking the dogs. Our four cats have likely found other homes. Our Tin Roof Farm is for rent. We don’t have jobs yet. We are selling our cars, my electric guitar, our honey bees, and my Tejas Smoker. We plan on returning in the fall of 2022. We will write a book about our experiences and do our best to find a real publisher.
Why Belize? We’ve been as far south as Tulum, Mexico and we’d read about Belize while we were there. It’s a tiny country of 400,000, smaller than South Carolina. It’s a mix of Mayans, Mestizo, Creole, German Mennonites, Canadian and American expats. There’s a significant amount of rain forest and gorgeous barrier islands that attracts tourists. From what we’ve seen on YouTube there’s also a fair amount of Americans looking for cheeseburgers, cheap beer, and Starbucks coffee. Of course that’s not us. Heck that’s what Myrtle Beach is for.

So if you’re here looking for ways to get rich on Belizian real estate or jokes about a third world country, you won’t find them here. What you will find is the rustic adventures of a 50-something couple in Central America. We’re professional cooks, former restaurateurs, seasoned hikers, tent campers, Caribbean travelers, food and travel writers, lovers of line dried clothes, and fans of local produce.

It’s unlikely we’ll write about the $500 a night resorts in Belize, very likely we’ll report on local delicacies, fresh fish, scuba diving, life behind the wheel of a sandy golf cart, the best rum drinks, life for the average Belizian, and the best sun burn salves.

So join our adventure and subscribe to our monthly essays on life in Belize. Just click the photo below.