It’s the vista. When one climbs onto a road bike and heads out for a ride, the beauty of God’s creation is at your beck and call. Whether you ride at a 15 mph average or 20 mph average, the opportunity to get out and experience the glory of this earth is well within your capability. On today’s ride we traveled through Greenville, Laurens, and Spartanburg counties.
Today was a long day, 58 miles with some folks from Team Vive and my teammate, Julian Loue. Also on today’s ride was Craig Rogers, owner of Border Springs Lamb. Craig is a rock star in the world of food and he’s one of the best known producers of lamb in the US. We’ve chatted via social media but never met face to face. Craig is also a damn cycling machine and he knows how to put down the power. Craig is also new to cycling and in a year he’s lost 80 pounds. I said 80 pounds. So not only is cycling able to transport you through beautiful countryside, it can also have amazing health benefits.
We got a late start this morning and the heat really got to some of us. We made several stops for water and with the early afternoon temps approaching 93, we really needed it.

Even though it was hot, we had gorgeous views and blue skies. Today was all abut time in the saddle. When you prepare for a long distance ride, it’s not just your legs that have to get into shape. Shoulders, butts, hands and neck can all take a beating so you’ve got to toughen up all those areas. Stretching, weights, and yoga can all help. But nothing takes the place of riding.

So for the week that just ended, I’ve put in 213 miles. If I can have another week like this, then I should be ready to roll come July 15th.
The #SCRTR is 13 days away.
Would you like to come along with me? Then make a donation to the SC Alzheimer’s Association and I’ll write the name of a loved one (that’s passed away or is challenged by #ALZ) on my jersey number.